As HayBooRoo sightings have continued to increase, Madame HayBelly has called for the urgent appointment of a new Guardian of the Yeti Door, to replace the vacancy left by Grumbalore the Great Sasquatch King, when he scrambled on with old HayBelly's spirit several years ago... Now his grandchild, Cravillet Grumbalore BumbleTree, stands to take on the awesome responsibility and dedicate their life to guarding the door.
But all do not agree -- a group of bandits known only as "HayBooPoos" resist the Monarchy's continuation. They demand another ruler... They even seem keen to consider the shadow monster itself as their true leader...
Haybelly Hangs Ten - The Movie!
Remember year 10 Wanna watch the Play again??
Now you can!
With the Google Drive link below, you can download the 45-minute video of Haybelly Hangs Ten, complete with delightful crowd sightings, tearful laughs, and one strange long trip of a show... Deep thanks to the band members, audio pros, actors, videographers, stuntmen, attorneys, and crowd pleasers who made this happen. <3 Enjoy!

BREAKING NEWS: BillyBob Buckets Abducted!
Is HayBooRoo to blame? Shadow monster sightings increase, crops fail.
EXCLUSIVE Abduction Footage below: